Including an opt-out link in email survey invitations

email tick

As well as major changes to the way in which data is handled, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) has also given individuals greater control over their personal data, how it’s used, and the interactions they have with organisations.

One of the ways in which you can ensure your surveys reflect these changes is by including an Opt Out link in every survey invitation email that you send to potential respondents.

Including an opt-out link in survey invitations

When it comes to contacting your potential survey respondents, it’s important that they have control over how and when you get in touch with them. Not every survey that you send out will be relevant to all of your potential respondents, and Snap allows you to include a link to enable a respondent to opt out of future communications regarding that survey.

Invitation reminders

Once you’ve created your survey and you send out email invitations to participants, it’s often a good idea to follow up with potential respondents and remind them to complete the survey. However, if someone’s chosen not to participate in a survey, an Opt Out link should be available so that they don’t receive any more reminders or communications.

An Opt Out link within the invitation email gives someone the flexibility to choose not to participate in a survey, but also means you can still contact them and invite them to complete future surveys.

Opt-out link in Snap Survey Software

Including an Opt Out link in your survey invitation email is really simple in Snap Survey Software. When you’re creating your email invitation in Snap WebHost, you can just click ‘Insert’ and select ‘Survey Opt Out’. This will insert an ‘Opt out of this survey’ link into your email, which you can edit to make it fit in with the message.

If a respondent does choose to opt out of your survey, it’s a good idea to keep your own record by downloading their status and updating your respondent database.

We’ve created a worksheet to show you exactly how to include an Opt Out link in your email invitations. This will take you through the step by step process of inserting a link into an email, and how to set up a custom page to send respondents to when they click the Opt Out link.

Snap Surveys recognises its responsibility to help our clients meet their GDPR obligations when using our software and services. This worksheet is part of our GDPR series, which gives detailed guidance on topics such as obtaining consent within surveys, providing opt outs, and anonymisation. You can find these worksheets in our Support Hub, and more information about GDPR and the Snap WebHost here.

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