How-to: Merge two identically structured surveys using Snap Survey Software
Merging two identically structured surveys using Snap Survey Software is very simple. It may be required to merge surveys in the following situations:
- Surveys administered on an annual basis. It may be of interest to analyze trends through two or more years. It would be fairly common for the survey to change slightly from year to year, so those alterations must be taken into account.
- Surveys on one subject, but with a variety of different focal points.For example, a software company may administer a survey with the same topic and similar questions to software users and another version to non-users.
- Surveys conducted for different locations or sites. For example, a survey of similar tourist attractions can be administered, but varies between sites because of the specific facilities available at each site.
- Surveys conducted using two different interviewing methods. For example, data from an online survey can be merged with data from a paper survey or a mobile survey.