If you are designing a survey that is principally going to be used on smartphones, the best practice is to design the layout for the survey accordingly. A recent worksheet gave general tips on setting up a smartphone survey as well as showing how to set one up in Snap.
- Think about the size of the screen that people will read it on
- Have ten or fewer questions
- Use small graphics or no graphics
- Have one question per page (to reduce the need to scroll)
- Turn off the progress bar
- Be careful about your choice of image boxes if you use graphics
- Turn off the option of having the title on every page
- Choose buttons which look good when small
- Consider the pros and cons of using data pickers / calendars
- Check how your survey looks on different phones and browsers
Do not:
- Use items that use a lot of memory, such as sliders, map controls and large pictures (some older devices may not display sliders and map controls correctly)
- Have lots of questions that take a long time to look through on a small screen
- Have many open-ended questions where you ask respondents to enter free text
Find out more about setting up a smartphone survey in Snap survey software