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Stress Indicator Tool (HSE)

An Intuitive online system to monitor stress within an organisation employee engagement, stress, and mental health in a post-pandemic world.

  • Professionally designed questions and 6 key areas of assessment
  • Remote working assessment
  • NPS score
  • Employee engagement assessment
  • Mental health screening tool
  • Available in multiple language templates
  • Customisation: add branding, write personalised introductions, choose  demographic questions, your workplace’s terminology
  • Automatic analysis to generate a summary report of the results – with recommendations to address identified issues
  • Directly compare results against departments, job roles, locations, age etc.
  • Create bespoke reports to highlight potential priority areas

Brought to you by Snap Surveys – market leaders in survey software and research services since 1981 – and the Health and Safety Executive, Great Britain’s government agency responsible for the encouragement, regulation and enforcement of workplace health, safety and welfare.


Every employer has a legal duty to assess and protect employees from work-related stress under the Management of Health and Safety Regulations 1999.

The online Stress Indicator Tool (SIT) 2.0 measures the attitudes and perceptions of employees towards work-related stress, mental health and engagement levels.

It provides anonymous feedback and is a quick and easy way to determine the extent to which work-related stress is a problem within an organisation.

And reacting to the challenges of 2022, a remote working assessment has been created to monitor how employees are dealing with working away from the office.

Analysing and understanding these results will help develop an effective health and wellbeing strategy for the organisation.

Read the HSE Stress White Paper


Put employees first by understanding their stress, mental health and engagement levels – whether they’re in the office, in another building, offsite or at home.

The Stress Indicator Tool 2.0 features a customisable questionnaire assessing the 6 key areas of work that are known to be the likely root causes of stress. There are also assessments around remote working, employee engagement, and whether or not an employee would recommend you as an employer to a friend (NPS score).

Here is an example of the remote working assessment.

Stress Indicator Tool Version 2.0 survey example

These are the 6 key areas that can cause workplace stress if left unmanaged.

Demands – this includes issues such as workload, work patterns and the work environment.

Control – how much say the person has in the way they do their work.

Support – this includes the encouragement, sponsorship and resources provided by the organisation, line management and colleagues.

Relationships – this includes promoting positive working to avoid conflict and dealing with unacceptable behaviour.

Role – do employees understand their role within the organisation and does the organisation ensure they do not have conflicting roles?

Changehow organisational change (large or small) is managed and communicated in the organisation.

Analysing and understanding these results will help develop an effective health and wellbeing strategy for your organisation.


With the click of a button you’ll automatically generate a dynamic report with extensive infographics and key findings for any selected groups in the organisation.

There is also key benchmarking data to help you see your reports in context.

Stress Indicator Tool report page sample v2

Partner solution
Created by Great Britain's Health and Safety Executive in partnership with Snap Surveys
Version 2.0.0
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