Chorus Insight Limited
We help leaders excel using feedback collected independently.
Company description

We find out what people say about you when you’re not in the room. We do it through dialogue with your clients, prospects, employees in-person and online. Sometimes you’ll get an ego boost when they say nice things. Sometimes it will hurt like hell. Either way, we’ll help you learn and improve from the experience.

Specialist sectors
Areas of expertise
Business to business, Communications / PR / Advertising / Media, Customer satisfaction / loyalty, Employee research, Usage and attitude
CAPI, CATI, Depth interviews, Group discussions / focus group, Mystery shopping, Online qualitative research, Panel surveys and panel management, Presentation of data, Qualitative analysis, Questionnaire design, Report writing, Stakeholder workshops, Tabulation and analysis, Web surveys
Business Phone Number
Business Contact Email
Business Website Address
Postal address
Watermill House
Chevening Road
TN13 2RY
United Kingdom