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Shift Insight
A market research agency specialising in the education sector.
Company description

Company description: After 17 years specialising in education market research as Shift Learning, we have evolved into Shift Insight, with two additional research specialisms in professional bodies (Shift Membership) and sustainable practices (Shift Sustainability). Our education clients include universities, publishers, awarding organisations and others desiring an in-depth understanding of student, teacher and other stakeholder attitudes, needs and behaviours. In recent years, we have adapted our qualitative and quantitative methodologies to inform strategic decision-making by professional bodies and scholarly societies. We have also grown to support organisations striving to improve their sustainable and ethical practices using materiality assessments, stakeholder and public perceptions research.

Areas of expertise
Behavioural change, Brand tracking, Business to business, Competitor analysis, Concept testing, Consultations, Customer satisfaction / loyalty, Employee research, Impact studies, Market sizing, Materiality assessments, New product development, Policy development, Positioning / communications, Pricing research, Product testing, Public perceptions, Social research, Usage and attitude
Co-creation workshops, Conferences, Conference research, Conjoint Analysis, Customer journey mapping, Depth interviews, Desk research, Ethnographic studies, Group discussions / focus group, Key Drivers Analysis, MaxDiff analysis, Mobile ethnography, Multivariate stats and modelling, Online communities, Online qualitative research, Paper surveys, Qualitative recruitment, Qualitative analysis, Questionnaire design, Regression, Report writing, Stakeholder workshops, Segmentation / cluster analysis, Student surveys, Tabulation and analysis, User testing, Web surveys
Accreditations and affiliations
MRS Member
Business Phone Number
+44 (0)207 253 8959
Business Contact Email
Business Website Address
Postal address
Shift Insight,
Maples Business Centre,
144 Liverpool Road,
N1 1LA