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Events and Webinars

professional on laptop watching a webinar


Our webinars are conducted using Microsoft Teams, and if you are new to Teams, we have created a handy guide to assist you: Joining webinars and events using Microsoft Team

Please join the session a few minutes prior to the allocated start time.

Don’t forget to save the date!

Feature Overview: These webinars will cover the outcomes you can achieve using specific features in Snap XMP.

Feature Tutorial: These webinars will cover the steps you need to take to bring each feature to life in Snap XMP.

DateTitleTime EDTMore information and to register
Tuesday 22 AprilFeature Tutorial: Engaging Question Styles10:00 – 10:30Click here
Tuesday 29 AprilFeature Overview: Sophisticated Skip Logic and Survey Branching10:00 – 10:15Click here

Recordings from previous webinars can be found in the Snap XMP Support Hub.

The Health and Safety Executive tools

Health and safety culture has grown significantly over the last decade, thanks in part due to a large drive from the UK government.

The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) is the government agency responsible for carrying it out, making sure organisations are aware of – and compliant – with health and safety regulations in Great Britain.

To do this, the HSE have partnered with Snap Surveys to create bespoke solutions that businesses can use to get feedback on their health and safety culture and performance.

These solutions deal with specific areas within health and safety – such as stress, manual handling, and health and safety as a whole.

Presented by TSO and The Health and Safety Executive, these webinars demonstrate the benefits of these tools to your business.

DateTopicTime (UK)More information and to register
Wednesday 23 AprilSafety Climate Tool (SCT)10.30Click here
Monday 12 MaySafety Climate Tool (SCT)15:30Click here
Tuesday 1 JulySafety Climate Tool (SCT)14:00Click here

You can watch previous session on-demand via these links:


