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Charities and not-for-profit surveys

Modern charities and not-for-profit organizations exist in a complex and changing world of competing demands on people’s time, money, attention and sympathy. Consequently, it is not surprising to find an increasing number of organizations using surveys as a key part of their communication and outreach, to both potential users as well as volunteers and donors.

Used effectively, surveys can support campaigns; underline the need for new services and act as a catalyst to fund-raising; they can help to identify the needs of the people for whom the charities exist, which in turn can be used to determine the correct strategy or influence the policy of local or national government and other care providers.

Customers use our survey software and research services to:

  • Evaluate campaign effectiveness.
  • Identify and evaluate the needs of clients.
  • Find out what members and other stakeholders think.
  • Profile their membership.
  • Measure satisfaction and provide benchmarking for retail operations.
  • Carry out staff surveys and training needs evaluation.

Special discount

Registered charities and not-for-profit organizations can benefit from a discount on all survey software. For more information contact us.

Survey Software

Snap Survey software is perfect for undertaking research amongst donors and volunteers, as well as clients of the organization.

Design professional surveys

Create dynamic and engaging surveys in any language and target hard to reach groups with audio or video surveys. Use email alerts to improve responsiveness – these can be triggered by specific replies, enabling departments to promptly take any necessary action.

Reach anyone, anywhere

Produce onlinemobilekiosktablet or paper versions of your survey with the option to scan in paper replies, and bring all results together for easy analysis. Capture better feedback instantly with our mobile interviewing technology – seamless event-based or on-street interviewing, even in total Wi-Fi black spots.

Share results with clients and colleagues

Share analysis and reports in real time with clients and colleagues. Produce personalized Smart Reports for individual groups and teams and give colleagues a login to view results and Smart Reports, showing benchmarked replies and tailored to their role or department.

Expert research services

Let us take the strain when time or resources are limited. Our experienced team can help you with any part of the survey process, from designing your questionnaire to online hosting, data entry and of course, reporting.

  • Charity and not-for-profit surveys can be outsourced in part or in full.
  • We can assist with questionnaire design, data entry including scanned paper surveys, hosting web surveys and collecting data, as well as producing tabulations, tailored reports, and benchmarking.

Who we work with

Snap Surveys is widely used by charities and not-for-profit organizations worldwide. Our clients include:

  • Girl Scouts of the USA
  • YMCA
  • American Mathematical Society
  • New York Live Arts
  • National White Collar Crime Center
  • Chicago Zoological Society
  • American Bankruptcy Institute

“Snap has made my life a lot easier! Our national audit process used to be paper-based, so I’d receive back a wedge of paper from each hospice and have to input all the data onto an Excel spreadsheet and do the analysis from there. Since having Snap, less time is wasted on data entry, which enables us to get the results back to the hospices quicker, which in turn allows for more prompt actions to be taken if downfalls have been highlighted by the audit.”

Marie Curie Cancer Care