Adaptive questionnaires The layout and content of an adaptive survey changes automatically to suit the screen size of the device on which the survey is viewed. This ensures a consistent browsing experience across a range of screen sizes and devices, which in turn can also increase survey response rates. Interactive tutorials Create an adaptive survey [02m 39s] Getting Started with – Online surveys with Snap WebHost [12m 07s] Browse all interactive tutorials → Video tutorials Introduction to online surveys Browse all video tutorials → Worksheets Creating an adaptive questionnaire Create a survey for face-to-face, kiosk and online completion Set up Mobile Anywhere surveys for iPad, iPhone, Android and Windows Preparing surveys for smartphones Browse all worksheets → Online user guide and documentation Setting up an adaptive questionnaire Setting up the different editions Laying out the questionnaires for different devices Showing and hiding questions Setting up different graphics for different editions Publishing an adaptive questionnaire Adjusting screen sizes for adaptive questionnaires Go to Snap help → Articles Does survey mode have an impact on survey response rates? The great debate: paper surveys vs. online surveys 25 ways to increase survey response rates Utilize available screen space – Jakob Nielsen Go to the Snap blog → Training and consultancy We run courses in London and Bristol, or we can come to your premises. Go to Snap training → If you would like one-to-one help with your survey project, we also offer online or face-to-face consultancies. Call us now on 01454 280820603-610-8700 or email us your training requirementsemail us your training requirements and we’ll call you back. Go to Snap training → Couldn’t find what you were looking for? We’re working to add the resources you need to the Support Hub. If you think there’s a topic we should cover, please let us know by completing this form.