Snap’s AttachIt feature allows your respondents to attach files (pictures, documents, etc.) as answers to individual questions in your Snap WebHost questionnaires. You can then download these files. The files will be tagged with a unique id representing the respondent and the question number.


You can create a literal question in a Snap WebHost questionnaire and allow respondents to attach a file in response. Files can be pictures, audio, video or documents, and each file must be less than 10Mb in size (Note, that most video files will exceed this limit.). File types such as executable, javascript or Visual Basic are not permitted.

Once a file has been attached, Snap WebHost tags it with a unique identifier that relates it to that question and that response. You can have multiple attachment questions in a single questionnaire.

When the responses are submitted, you can download the attached files as zip files which can contain individual files, all the files, or files grouped by question or respondent.

Summary of steps

Step 1: Set up an AttachIt question

AttachIt is a type of datapicker.

  1. Open your Snap WebHost edition of the questionnaire.
  2. Create an open-ended question asking for a literal response. It is a good idea to include instructions on how to upload a file.
  3. Select Show in the toolbar topics.
  4. Select Data Picker in the next dropdown list, then check the Show box and choose Attach file from the dropdown.

    upload question

Step 2: Upload the survey to Snap WebHost and test the AttachIt question

  1. Upload the survey to Snap WebHost as normal using the Upload a new survey link.
  2. Open the survey and click on the test link. The survey will open in a new tab or window.
  3. Proceed through the survey. When you reach your AttachIt question it should look something like this.

    AttachIt question view

  4. Click the file icon, and browse for your file in the dialog that appears.

    SWH: upload browse window with file

  5. When you have browsed for your file, a unique reference appears in the browse window.

    SWH: upload browse window with file 2

  6. Click Close. The unique ID now appears in the response field.

    SWH: upload browse window with file 3

    This identifies the attached file as this respondent’s response to the specified question.

  7. [Submit] your completed test survey.
  8. Return to the survey summary page. There will now be two new links. Download test response and Download test attachments.

    SWH: upload browse window with file 4

  9. Click the Download test attachment link.

A window opens, asking you to select a place to save the downloaded zip file. The zip file contains all the files you attached during the survey.

Step 3: Download the attached files

When you have real responses to your survey, their attachments appear in the Summary tab. You can download the files individually, by respondent, by question or by survey.

  1. Log in and select the survey containing the attached files.
  2. Select the Summary tab.

    SWH: survey summary with attachement download link

  3. Click the Download attachments link.
    A window opens listing the attached files.

    SWH: Left-hand analysis pane showing uploads tab
    • Click a ref: number to download a single file (one response to one question).
    • Click AttachIt ID to download all attachments for a single respondent.
    • Click a question number in the column heading to download all attached files for that question.
    • Click Download All to download all attached files for the survey.

The files will be downloaded in a zip file. The files will be named according to the ref number. For example, the file attached by the first respondent in response to Q2 will have a filename of 0000000001_Q2 (plus the appropriate extension).

WH: Left-hand analysis pane showing uploads tab 2
The file’s reference number will be recorded in the survey data. The image below shows the Data Entry window for a case with attached file reference numbers.

SWH: Left-hand analysis pane showing uploads tab 3


This worksheet has described how to create a question asking respondents to attach files.

If you would like to find out how to insert multimedia files in your surveys see the worksheet Using YouTube videos in your survey and the topic Inserting a multimedia object.

If there is a topic you would like a worksheet on, email to