Reports tailoring

The Reports Tailoring dialog sets the defaults used to export the report to a printer or file. If exporting to a file, you can import the results into a spreadsheet or other available file type.

The Reports Tailoring dialog is available from the Tailoring | Reports menu.

Tailoring survey settings are available for other windows in Snap XMP Desktop.


Tailoring options

Reports will be output to Printer: Send the report to the printer in the specified layout
Export: Write the report to a file of the specified format and in the specified directory
Page Details Open the Page Setup dialog to specify how the report will be printed.
File Details Open the File Details dialog to specify how the report files will be numbered, and whether the data will be appended or overwritten
Export file type Specify the format of the file required by the package that you are exporting.

Save options

The table shows the buttons to save or cancel changes in the tailoring dialog.

Keep Keep or save the changes as part of the current survey.
Use Use the changes only for the duration of the session. The setting revert to the original settings when the dialog is closed.
Cancel Cancel any changes and close the dialog.