Automatically adding an opt-out link

In the survey invitation settings, there is an option to automatically add an opt-out link at the end of all email invitations where an opt-out has not been provided in the email body. This setting makes sure that you always provide an unsubscribe option for this survey. If you wish to customise the appearance of the opt-out link, you need to manually add the opt-out link in the email body.

  1. In the survey Summary tab, click the Collect link.
  2. In the Collect tab, select Participants from the side menu.
  3. Click the Change Invitation Settings button to open the Invitation settings.
  4. Select Automatically add opt-out to add an opt-out link at the end of the email invitation.

The opt-out link is only included if the email body does not contain an opt-out link, preventing multiple opt-out links in your email.

The opt out link automatically appears in the footer of the email. You will not see it in the email invitation editor.
