What Snap XMP Online does

Snap XMP Online is a web based application that enables you to create and manage surveys.

There are four stages in Snap XMP Online that guide you through the process of managing your survey.

Your Work

This is the first stage that you see in Snap XMP Online, where you can

  • use online surveys created in Snap XMP Desktop and synchronise updates between Snap XMP Desktop and XMP Snap Online
  • start creating your new survey using pre-built survey templates
  • edit existing surveys
  • add folders to organize your surveys
  • share your surveys and folders with other people
  • see surveys that are shared with you


Once you have created a survey the next step is to build your questionnaire. This is done in the Online Designer, where you are able to

  • insert different types of questions
  • apply routing to show or skip questions when necessary
  • add validation to make sure the correct data format is entered
  • apply masking to show or hide answers based on preceding questions
  • format the way your questionnaire will look
  • test your questionnaire using the preview facility


When you have your questionnaire ready to send out to participants, you can move on to the Collect section. Here you are able to

  • prepare to start the interview process by publishing your questionnaire
  • customize the survey URL link for web based questionnaires
  • view and manage participant lists
  • download a PDF file to print paper copies of the questionnaire
  • manage your responses


Once you start collecting the response data, the Analyze feature enables you to

  • analyze your results
  • apply filters and contexts
  • run reports
  • run tables and charts that have already been created in Snap XMP Desktop