Remove personal information from survey data

This webinar covers how to remove your participants’ data when running surveys. This is especially important in countries where the law states that you must delete or anonymise data once it is no longer needed for the purpose for which it was collected. You may also need to consider storage, the right to be forgotten, […]

Adding tabs

There are two types of tabs available: Tab pages The respondents navigate through the pages by clicking each tab header, in addition to using the Next and Back buttons. You can remove the Next and Back buttons so navigation is only possible with the tabs. The content for each tab is set using page breaks […]

Grid Questions

Grid questions are a way of displaying multiple questions in a grid of rows and columns, with headings for each of the boxes presented across the page. They let you gauge a respondent’s opinion on multiple things within the same question and are easy to analyse. This can help you quantify subjective sentiments such as […]

Inserting a variable field

Inserting a variable field is a feature in online editions that lets you change text in your questionnaire based on the responses entered by the respondent. It is also called dynamic text, text substitution or piping. This provides a personalized experience as the respondent progresses through the questionnaire. There are many uses for dynamic text: […]

Carousel questions

A carousel is a way of displaying a group of questions. Each question is shown on a card with the answers and the carousel moves onto the next question automatically or manually by clicking navigation buttons. The respondent can navigate through all the cards to review their answers. This question style is a great way […]

Creating a compound grid

A compound grid shows multiple questions side by side when all questions share the same horizontal labels. This allows a grid to contain different question styles, such as grids, semantic scales and open series. With this feature, you can create grids with rows that allow the respondent to select a choice, then add associated comments, […]

Inline questions

Inline questions can be inserted into any text in the questionnaire. You can also show or hide them using routing. Using inline questions can give the questionnaire the flexibility to create forms, providing areas where the respondent can enter information. Create the Inline Question You need to create the inline questions as individual questions, before […]

Drag Categorize questions

Drag Categorize questions let respondents drag and drop their answers into the relevant boxes and rate them based on an appropriate scale. Drag and drop questions can also be used to rank responses. Adding a Drag Categorize question Other question styles

Drag Rank questions

A Drag Rank question lets the respondent rank a selection of items based on the question asked. For example, you can ask a respondent to ranking answer choices in order of most favourite to least favourite item. Adding a Drag Rank question Other question styles

Inserting a separating line

You can insert a separating line between questions using a Separator. This can be used to separate sections in the questionnaire. The Separator menu item is available from the Single Choice questions section of the Breaks menu. Other question styles