Fallback fonts
This lists any fonts that replace the original fonts you chose in the questionnaire design. This may happen when the fonts are not available on the device you are using. View all the Questionnaire Design tailoring options. Explore the other Tailoring survey settings.
Displaying questions in a different format
You can use the Show topic in the Questionnaire window to display the question in different formats in different online editions. For example, a grid may fit better on a large screen and a drop-down list may be easier to use in a mobile edition. Displaying a question in a different formats Question formats As Drop-down Display […]
Insert a separating line between questions
The Separating Line dialog appears when you use the toolbar topic Show|Line Before to insert a horizontal line before the selected question. Separating Line dialog Style The type of line (single, double or broken) Width Width of line Colour Color of the line before the selected question You can also use the Show topic to show or hide a question and to display the question in a different format. […]
Inserting Open Grid questions
You can create a grid of open ended questions where respondents can enter their own answers. This is an Open Grid Next question. Its question box (and all subsequent boxes) will be the same size as the first box in the question. If you wish to change the responses to quantities, dates or times, select Responses in the toolbar […]
Inserting Open Ended questions
You can use an Open question to collect free format text, numbers, dates or times. There are three alternative styles to use Inserting an Open Ended question Use an Open Ended question to collect free format text, number, date or time. A common use is to provide space for general comments. If you wish to change the responses to […]
Inserting Semantic Scale questions
Semantic scale questions allow you to measure people’s attitudes towards contrasting adjectives or objects. Each pair of items is at opposite ends of a bipolar scale. You can insert a group of semantic scale questions together. Explore more question styles here.
Inserting Grid questions
A Grid is made up of a series of Single Response questions, which have exactly the same choice of answers, organised in grid rows. Often they ask for people’s attitude towards something. In Snap XMP Desktop, a grid uses the styles Grid First and Grid Next. Explore more question styles here.
Inserting Other questions
When you are creating a list of items it is likely the list will not contain every answer and you may want to collect further information from the respondent. One of the supplied question styles is called Other and is used to collect more information. It is designed to appear as part of the main question with […]
Inserting Multi Choice questions
Multi Choice questions let a respondent select one or more responses from a list. They are multiple response questions, by default, and display as check boxes to show the respondent that they can choose more than one answer. Explore more question styles here.
Showing questions as a drop-down
You can show Single Choice questions, Multi Choice questions and Grid rows as drop-downs. To switch between the drop-down list or separate boxes: Explore more question styles here.