Margins settings

The Margins section contains settings that specify page margins and the number of page columns to use. Different settings are available for online editions and paper editions. Left Top Right Bottom Define the distance between the text and the specified margin. The distance is given in pixels (px) for screen output and in centimeters (cm) […]

Page settings

The Page section contains the page settings, with different options available for online and paper editions. In paper editions, you can In online editions, you can Changing the page or screen size This changes the questionnaire page layout for online editions or page size for paper editions. In online editions, the page size determines which […]

Edition settings

This section provides details about the edition, publication medium and language for the selected edition in the Questionnaire window. These details are read only. The editions can be edited in the Editions and Style Templates window, available from the Questionnaire toolbar. Explore more about the questionnaire properties here.

Reporting on variables

You can print summary reports and full reports including all variables in a survey or from a specified list. Title The title appears at the top of the report. All This includes all variables in the Variables window in the report. When the selection field is cleared All is automatically selected. Specify selection This includes […]

Viewing sources and dependencies

You cannot delete a variable if its definition refers to another variable as there is a dependency. This happens when a variable is: You can view Sources and Dependencies by clicking . In the example below, the variable Q3a depends on Q3, as Q3a is only asked if the respondent answers Other to Q3. You […]

Employee Net Promoter Score (eNPS) Survey guide

The Employee Net Promoter Score (eNPS) Survey allows you to build surveys that measure employee satisfaction, loyalty and engagement within the organisation. It is based on the Net Promoter Score® system from Bain & Company, Satmetrix Systems, Inc., and Fred Reichheld, which gauges customer loyalty. This setup consists of a two part eNPS question containing the […]

Smileys Survey guide

The Smileys Survey allows you to build surveys that ask your customers how satisfied they are with your organisation. The survey contains a two part question to measure the satisfaction of your customers. Firstly, customers select one of five distinctive faces ranging from Very happy to Very unhappy then they have the opportunity to answer a follow-up question. […]

5 Star Rating Survey guide

The 5 Star Rating Survey allows you to build surveys that ask your customers how satisfied they are with your organisation. The survey contains a two part question consisting of a five point scale question followed by a free-text question. These questions provide a method to measure customer sentiment with your brand, product, or service. […]

Show or hide questions

You can show or hide a question in a questionnaire using the Show topic in the Questionnaire window. Showing or hiding the question When the question is hidden you can still access it by selecting the Hidden label. Showing or hiding part of a question You can also use the Show topic to display a question in a […]

Changing the position relative to the question

The Positions topic determines the relative position of the question text, associated code boxes and footnote. The question text can be placed above or beside the question. The default setting is for the question text to appear above the list of codes and the footnote to appear below the list of codes. When you select Beside, the […]