Creating a compound grid

A compound grid shows multiple questions side by side when all questions share the same horizontal labels. This allows a grid to contain different question styles, such as grids, semantic scales and open series. With this feature, you can create grids with rows that allow the respondent to select a choice, then add associated comments, […]

Inline questions

Inline questions can be inserted into any text in the questionnaire. You can also show or hide them using routing. Using inline questions can give the questionnaire the flexibility to create forms, providing areas where the respondent can enter information. Create the Inline Question You need to create the inline questions as individual questions, before […]

Drag Categorize questions

Drag Categorize questions let respondents drag and drop their answers into the relevant boxes and rate them based on an appropriate scale. Drag and drop questions can also be used to rank responses. Adding a Drag Categorize question Other question styles

Drag Rank questions

A Drag Rank question lets the respondent rank a selection of items based on the question asked. For example, you can ask a respondent to ranking answer choices in order of most favourite to least favourite item. Adding a Drag Rank question Other question styles

Inserting a separating line

You can insert a separating line between questions using a Separator. This can be used to separate sections in the questionnaire. The Separator menu item is available from the Single Choice questions section of the Breaks menu. Other question styles

Date and Time questions

Date and time questions lets the respondent enter or select a date or time as a response, giving an easy and quick way of asking for dates and times. The appearance of the calendar or clock used to select the response depends on the browser your respondent uses to complete the quesitonnaire. Adding a Date […]

Attaching a file

This question style lets the respondent attach a file during an interview. When the respondent attaches the file, it is given a unique identifier that connects it to the particular question and response. When you receive the responses, you can downloaded them as zip files which contain either individual files, all the files, or files […]

Semantic Scale questions

Semantic scale questions are designed to let respondents choose a point on a scale between words with opposite meanings. They are often used to ask how people rate a particular feature, product or service. You can also have semantic questions in a grid to get quick opinions on multiple topics. Adding a Semantic Scale question Other […]

Open Ended questions

An open-ended question lets people enter the answer themselves. The most common use is to provide a large answer box where a participant can give their opinion using their own words: for example to the question: “How could we improve our product?”. You can include a pattern that validates the response to the open-ended questions. […]

Drop-down questions

Drop-down questions let your respondents pick an item from a list, which appears when the respondent clicks on the question. Adding a Drop Down question Other question styles