Advanced tailoring: Content

The Content tab shows settings for HTML publishing and images in all surveys. Option Description Modify file names to Select the case for the file names, Unchanged, Lower Case and Upper Case. NR in drop down Enter the display text that is used to show that there is no reply in a drop-down. JPEG Compression […]

Advanced tailoring: General

These default settings apply to all the surveys used in Snap XMP Desktop. The General tab allows you to set the default settings for the way Snap XMP Desktop opens. Option Description Initial window to display Select the window that displays when you open a survey. The default is the Questionnaire window. You can also select None. […]

Advanced tailoring: Embedding

The Embedding tab displays the embedded tailoring options. This specifies how the survey data is stored in the survey. If you are sharing a survey with a different Snap XMP user, you can reduce the file size by excluding objects which come with Snap XMP. Option Description Embed Automatically Choose whether data is embedded automatically, with options […]

Advanced tailoring: Updates

In the Updates tab you can enable updates to automatically download when a new version is available. The Details section shows the update status. Other Advanced Tailoring options

Advanced tailoring

The Advanced Tailoring dialog contains advanced settings in four areas: You can open the Advanced Tailoring dialog using the Tailor | Advanced menu. Tailoring survey settings are available for other windows in Snap XMP Desktop.

Questionnaire design tailoring

These are the settings that give the default behaviour of the Questionnaire design window. You can open the dialog from the Tailor | Questionnaire Design menu. Tailoring survey settings are available for other windows in Snap XMP Desktop. Smart mode switching These settings turn on shortcuts to switch quickly between Design mode and Style mode in the […]

Variable tailoring

The Variable Tailoring dialog contains the default settings for the Variables and Variable Details windows. You can open the dialog from the Tailor | Variables menu or by clicking the Tailor icon on the toolbar in the Variables or Variable Details windows. Tailoring survey settings are available for other windows in Snap XMP Desktop. Variable […]

Reference tailoring

The reference tailoring allows you to specify: The Reference tailoring is available by clicking the Tailor | Reference menu. Tailoring survey settings are available for other windows in Snap XMP Desktop. Topic language The Reference window displays the topic names in the preferred topic language. This is the same for all language versions. The options […]

Analysis variables tailoring

The Analysis Variables Tailoring dialog provides settings which control the overall presentation of analyses and dictate how missing data is to be handled. The Analysis Variables Tailoring dialog is available by clicking the Tailoring | Analysis Variables menu. Tailoring survey settings are available for other windows in Snap XMP Desktop. Tailoring options Option Description Results Set to the […]

Reports tailoring

The Reports Tailoring dialog sets the defaults used to export the report to a printer or file. If exporting to a file, you can import the results into a spreadsheet or other available file type. The Reports Tailoring dialog is available from the Tailoring | Reports menu. Tailoring survey settings are available for other windows in Snap […]