Routing and Analysis Expressions

Learn how to use routing expressions to decide which questions your respondents see, and analysis expressions to analyse a subset of your response data. Related help Routing rule expressions Filter expressions

Participants in Snap XMP Online

Letting participants know about your questionnaire and providing an easy way to participate, is essential for a successful survey. This webinar shows how to upload a list of participants, choose to include seeded pre-answers in the questionnaire and send invitations and reminders that can be personalised. Related help Managing your participants Managing your invitations Creating […]

Adding a CAPTCHA style question

CAPTCHA is a term that stands for Completely Automated Public Turing Test to Tell Computers and Humans Apart. It is a type of challenge-response test that is used to determine whether the user of a website or online service is a human or a bot. CAPTCHAs are designed to be easy for humans to solve, […]

Using Google fonts in a survey

Google Fonts are open source and you can use them in any non-commercial or commercial project. They are free to use in your surveys. Find out more at: Google Fonts Frequently Asked Questions. Finding the Google Font Using the Google Font in a survey After you have installed the Google Font, you can use it […]

Exporting response data to Power BI

Microsoft Power BI is a business intelligence product developed by Microsoft, that is used to analyse and visualise an organisation’s data. Power BI can connect to a range of data sets, including response data from Snap XMP. There are two ways to connect Snap XMP response data to Power BI: Exporting the response data file […]

Randomise in Snap XMP

Question Randomisation helps you avoid survey bias by showing questions in different orders for each participant. Avoiding bias is an important factor to consider when running surveys, ensuring that the position of the answer does not affect the results. Learn how to avoid survey bias by randomising your questions and answer options. Related help Randomising […]

An Introduction to Snap XMP

Description This webinar introduces Snap XMP: Experience Measurement Platform, combining the power of Snap XMP Desktop with upgraded functionality and connects it with the features of Snap XMP Online for online surveys and offline mobile survey interviewing.

One-day Conference Survey guide

The One-day Conference Survey is specifically designed to build surveys that ask delegates how satisfied they were with your conference. The survey includes both mandatory and optional questions that can be customised to suit your specific requirements e.g., the optional location question allows up to 10 answer options of your choice. The questions available in […]

Command Lines for Snap XMP Desktop

Opening a survey Option Online/Offline Description Example “filename” offline Opens with the survey filename. This is equivalent to double-clicking on the file. The operation distinguishes between MDF, ADF, TMDF files. “snap Desktop.exe” “snSurvey.mdf” /S Opens the last used survey “snap Desktop.exe” /S /S “filename” offline Opens the named survey. “snap Desktop.exe” /S “snSurvey.mdf” “snap Desktop.exe” […]

European survey templates

Use these instructions to download and install the European survey templates that include a combination of Dutch, French and English languages.