Get Participant
Get the details of a participant of a survey. Endpoint Method Url GET surveys/{surveyId}/participants/{participantUniqueId} Get details of the specific participant identified by the participantUniqueId path variable of the specific survey identified by the surveyId path variable. Parameters Path parameters Path parameter Description {surveyId} The id of the survey. This is the survey GUID and not […]
Get Participant List
Get the details of the latest participants of a survey. Endpoint Method Url GET surveys/{surveyId}/participants Get the details of latest participants of the specific survey identified by the surveyId path variable. Parameters Path parameters Path parameter Description {surveyId} The id of the survey. This is the survey GUID and not the Interview URL. Query string […]
Delete Participant Subject
Delete a subject from a participant of a survey. Endpoint Method Url DELETE surveys/{surveyId}/participants/{participantUniqueId}/subjects/{subjectName} Delete the specific subject identified by the subjectName path variable from the specific participant identified by the participantUniqueId path variable of the specific survey identified by the suurveyId path variable. Note: You cannot delete the subject of a non-group questionnaire. On […]
Update Participant Subject
Update an existing subject of a participant of a survey. Endpoint Method Url PUT surveys/{surveyId}/participants/{participantUniqueId}/subjects/{subjectName} Update the existing specific subject identified by the subjectName path variable of the specific participant identified by the participantUniqueId path variable of the specific survey identified by the surveyId path variable. Parameters Path parameters Path parameter Description {surveyId} The id […]
Add Participant Subject
Add a new subject to a participant of a survey. Endpoint Method Url POST surveys/{surveyId}/participants/{participantUniqueId}/subjects Add the new subject of the specific participant identified by the participantUniqueId path variable of the specific survey identified by the surveyId path variable. Parameters Path parameters Path parameter Description {surveyId} The id of the survey. This is the survey […]
Get Participant Subject
Get the details of a subject of a participant of a survey. Endpoint Method Url GET surveys/{surveyId}/participants/{participantUniqueId}/subjects/{subjectName} Get the details of the specific subject identified by the subjectName path variable of the specific participant identified by the participantUniqueId path variable of the specific survey identified by the surveyId path variable. Parameters Path parameters Path parameter […]
Get Participants Subjects
Get the details of the subjects of a participant of a survey. Endpoint Method Url GET surveys/{surveyId}/participants/{participantUniqueId}/subjects Get the details of the subjects of the specific participant identified by the participantUniqueId path variable of the specific survey identified by the surveyId path variable. Parameters Path parameters Path parameter Description {surveyId} The id of the survey. […]
Delete Participant
Delete an existing participant of a survey. Endpoint Method Url DELETE surveys/{surveyId}/participants/{participantUniqueId} Delete the existing participant identified by the participantUniqueId path variable of the specific survey identified by the surveyId path variable. Parameters Path parameters Path parameter Description {surveyId} The id of the survey. This is the survey GUID and not the Interview URL. {participantUniqueId} […]
Update Participant
Update an existing participant of a survey. Endpoint Method Url PUT surveys/{surveyId}/participants/{participantUniqueId} Update the existing specific participant identified by the participantUniqueId path variable of the specific survey identified by the surveyId path variable. Parameters Path parameters Path parameter Description {surveyId} The id of the survey. This is the survey GUID and not the Interview URL. […]
Add Participant
Add a new participant to a survey. Endpoint Method Url POST surveys/{surveyId}/participants Add a new participant to the specific survey identified by the surveyId path variable. Parameters Path parameters Path parameter Description {surveyId} The id of the survey. This is the survey GUID and not the Interview URL. Query string parameters None Request body data […]