Show other response

When you are creating a list of items it is likely the list will not be exhaustive. You can choose to add an answer where the respondent can add something that is not on the list. This uses the Show other response option, and is available in Single Choice, Multiple Choice and Drop Down questions. […]

Multiple choice questions

A Multiple Choice question allows the respondent to select one or more answers from a list of choices. Participants can select as many answers as is relevant for this question.  Multi choice questions use squares (checkboxes) for the answer boxes that participants click whereas Single choice questions use the circles (radio buttons). Add a Multiple choice question Other question styles

Adding a Logo to the Title

Often a questionnaire heading includes branding. This can be a logo or other image that is displayed by itself or with a title. Adding a Logo Other question styles

Titles and Instructions

There are three types of question that provide text information in the questionnaire. Add a Title A questionnaire normally starts with a heading explaining the questionnaire’s purpose. The title can contain text and a logo or other image. Add a Sub Title The sub title usually contains text that provides more information about the questionnaire. […]

Single Choice questions

A Single choice question allows the respondent to select one answer from a list of choices. They are the most common questions used in a survey because they are easy for people to respond to, as well as being easy to analyse.  Single choice questions use the circles (radio buttons) for the answer boxes that participants click whereas Multi […]

Changing the proportions or balance of a sample group

Balancing the sample of data responses allows you to adjust the proportion of respondents in your sample to match more closely the proportion in the target population. This target may align the demographics of the respondents to those in a census or an industry benchmark. For example, you can also set the proportions to show […]

Question in an email invite

This webinar shows you how to boost engagement by including a survey question in the body of your email. This feature is designed to boost engagement by making it easy for people to give feedback.

Upload Template Thumbnail

In the Summary section of a survey template, you have the option to upload a thumbnail image. This can help users identify the survey template when they are creating a new survey.

Recommended use of the API progress token

You can retrieve a survey’s responses using the Get Survey Responses endpoint. There are 2 approaches to retrieving the survey responses: Use of the API is chargeable. The charge is 0.1 unit each time the API delivers a survey response.  This applies if you use the API to retrieve the same survey response multiple times. […]

Designing accessible surveys

Watch this 30-minute pre-recorded webinar to understand how WCAG 2.2 guidelines can make your surveys accessible to everyone.