Introduction to Quotas and Screen Outs
When running a survey you can limit the number of responses submitted using quotas and screen outs. During each interview, the system will monitor responses to any quota and screen out questions and automatically close the interview if the participant falls into a category that has already reached its quota limit. Quotas can be set […]
Tenant Satisfaction Measures Survey guide
The Regulator of Social Housing is a UK Government body that regulates providers of social housing. They provide a set of standardised questions which social housing providers are required to use when they survey their tenants, asking their satisfaction with the housing and housing provider. The Tenant Satisfaction Measures Survey uses these standard questions to […]
Create a chart of positive responses to rating scale questions
Rating scale questions ask the participant to select a rating from a range of responses. These responses usually range from a negative to a positive rating or vice versa and often include 5 or more points. An analysis of the results can be hard to interpret if all the categories are charted. The responses can […]
Change category colours in charts
Charts play an important part in analysis and reporting, helping to make the response data easier to understand. You can create chart styles that reflect your organization’s branding, bringing a consistent look to your analysis and reports. Snap XMP Desktop provides a large number of predefined chart styles that you can use as supplied or […]
Summarise rating scale with Group Variables
Group variables are used to create a summary analysis of questions which share a common set of answer choices, making it easier to evaluate overall responses to questions in a grid, and make comparisons between separate question grids in your survey. This tutorial shows how to: This example uses the Crocodile Rock Cafe survey supplied with […]
Analysing data with crosstabs
You can find trends and patterns in your data by creating ordered crosstabs (cross tabulations) in Snap XMP Desktop. This is a quick way of analysing banded or coded variables. Crosstabs are also known as contingency tables (or pivot tables). This tutorial shows you how to produce and order crosstabs then convert them to charts. […]
Setting up surveys for interviewing with the Interviewer app
The Interviewer is an app that allows researchers to share surveys with the interviewers. The shared accounts for the interviewers are created using Snap XMP Online. When the interviewers log into the Interviewer app, they see the surveys that are assigned to them. Before you start check that The Interviewer app is available for devices that run Apple […]
Running a survey in kiosk mode
This tutorial describes how to create and run a survey on a standalone kiosk . This can be on a dedicated kiosk or a laptop, PC or tablet. Surveys are synchronized online with the kiosk using the Interviewer app. Once synchronized, you can set up the device in kiosk mode and select which survey to […]
Using YouTube videos in a questionnaire
In Snap XMP Desktop, a questionnaire can contain a link to a video on YouTube or another similar website. You can also insert media objects directly into a questionnaire. The easiest way to link to a YouTube video is to use the embed code provided on the YouTube site. This is a piece of HTML […]
Get Survey Responses
Get the responses of a survey. You can Please note that from Monday 5th December 2022 usage of the API becomes chargeable. The charge is that 0.1 unit will be consumed each time a survey response is delivered by the API. This applies if the same survey response is delivered by the API multiple times. […]