Get Survey Variable
Get the details of a variable of a survey. Changes from v1.0 Endpoint Method URL GET surveys/{surveyId}/variables/{variableId} Get the details of the specific variable identified by the variableId path variable of the specific survey identified by the surveyId path variable. Parameters Path parameters Path parameter Description {surveyId} The id of the survey. This is the […]
Get Survey Variables
Get details of all of the variables for a survey. Changes from v1.0 Endpoint Method URL GET surveys/{surveyId}/variables Gets the details for a specific survey ID. Parameters Path parameters Path parameter Description {surveyId} The id of the survey. This is the survey GUID and not the Interview URL. Query string parameters Query string parameter Required […]
Get Survey
Get details of a survey. Changes from v1.0 Endpoint Method URL GET surveys/{surveyId} Gets the details of a specific survey identified by the surveyId path variable. Parameters Path parameters Path parameter Description {surveyId} The id of the survey. This is the survey GUID and not the Interview URL. Query string parameters None Sample Request (In […]
Get Survey List
Get a list of surveys that are accessible by the user. This includes surveys that are shared to the user. Changes from v1.0 Endpoint Method URL GET surveys Get a list of surveys that are accessible by the user. Parameters Path parameters None Query string parameters None Sample Request (In the above code, replace {APIKEY} […]
Prior to creating your code we strongly recommend that you make use of a tool called Postman. Postman can be installed on a PC or accessed via a web browser. It is free for most of the tasks that an API consuming developer would want to achieve. Postman allows the developer to “play” with an […]
HTTP Status Codes
As well as specific return codes listed in the API Reference section, all end-points can return the following HTTP status codes: HTTP status code Description 400 Bad Request If a query parameter is incorrect or does not exist or is not provided when not optional. Note: This is a change from v1.0 version. 401 Unauthorized […]
From time to time we need to make changes to the API. In order to prevent our changes from breaking your client code we will employ the following versioning strategy. Versioning is achieved by use of request and response headers. If you don’t specify a version in your request, then you will be using the […]
Handling Throttling
To protect the resources of Snap XMP Online we have implemented throttling. This means that some of your API calls may return a status code of 429 – Too many requests. You should ensure that you don’t attempt to make more than one call per second or more than ten calls per minute. One way […]
The API is stateless so each API call needs to be authenticated. Each call to the API must include the following request headers: Creating the key To create the key for the user’s account do the following: Your API key is now in the clipboard and you can paste this into your API calls. Failure […]
The Snap XMP Online API (application programming interface) allows customers to access the data in their account programmatically. Note that if you give anyone else API access to your account you will be giving them access to all of your surveys and all of your survey responses and (depending on the share permissions) access to […]