Constructing a survey from a SurveyPak

The Survey Constructor Wizard allows you to build a survey based on a survey in a SurveyPak. The survey may be an embedded survey that you have added or a survey template.

SurveyPaks can contain one or more survey templates. These are a quick and easy way of building a survey containing pre-defined questions.

Survey templates contain editable fields (such as titles, instructions etc.) that you can change when you create the survey. They consist of a set of titled sections, which you can choose to include or not. Some surveys have sections containing required sections that you may not omit.

If the survey is supplied in multiple languages, or output editions, you can specify which editions you create in your survey.

When you have created a survey from a survey template, it is just like any other survey and you may edit it. If you choose to do this, you need to ensure that you are keeping to any survey requirements that have been specified by government or another organisation.

When constructing a survey from a survey template, you can select which non-compulsory sections and questions are added to the survey. You can also specify the content of survey fields (for example, the title).

When constructing a survey from an embedded survey, you get an identical survey to the one in the SurveyPak.

Constructing a survey from an embedded survey

  1. Open the Reference window and select the SurveyPak that contains the embedded survey that you wish to use.
  2. Double click the survey to start the wizard.
  3. The Survey Constructor dialog opens. Enter the name for the survey that you are going to create and click Next>.
  4. If the survey has multiple editions you have the options of selecting which edition(s) will be created. Clear or check the edition boxes as required.
  5. You will be given a list of the questions in the survey. When you click on a question in the left-hand pane, information about it is displayed in the right-hand pane.
  6. When using an embedded survey, all questions in the survey are used. If you wish to use individual sections, you must create your own questionnaire and sections within the SurveyPak.
  7. You will be presented with a summary screen describing the survey and displaying a preview. Click Finish. Your new survey opens by default.

Constructing a survey from a survey template

The Survey Constructor Wizard allows you to build a survey based on a survey in a SurveyPak. The survey may be an embedded survey that you have added or a survey template.

  1. Open the Reference window and select the SurveyPak that contains the survey template that you wish to use.
  2. Double click the survey template to start the wizard.
  3. The Survey Constructor dialog opens. Enter the name for the survey that you are going to create and click Next>.
  4. If the survey has multiple editions you have the options of selecting which edition(s) will be created. Clear or check the edition boxes as required.
  5. You will be given a list of the questions in the survey template. When you click on a question in the left-hand pane, information about it is displayed in the right-hand pane.
  6. Review the questions and consider whether you will use them all in your survey. Required sections have their check box greyed out.
  7. Check the boxes for the sections that you wish to add to your survey. If no boxes are available to check, then all sections are compulsory. When you have finished, click Next>.
  8. You will be presented with the custom field page. This is where you can tailor the survey to your own needs.

The top half of the window contains the fields you can change; the bottom half of the window contains a brief description of the type of information needed (for example, instructions on how to return the survey). Fill out the fields as you require, and click Next>.

If there is no default information for a field, it is left blank in the template. If you do not complete it, you will be warned about this when you click Next>.

  1. You will be presented with a summary screen describing the choices you made when creating the survey. Click Finish. Your new survey opens by default.

If there were template fields in your survey, they will be shown in curly brackets. Template fields that have a value will have the value displayed in blue, whereas template fields that need a value have the template field name displayed in red.

Double-click a template field to open the Tailor template field dialog to change the values in the template fields.
