Creating Drag and Drop questions

In Snap XMP Desktop, grid questions can be displayed as a drag and drop questions, where answers can be selected by being dragged and dropped into the appropriate position. There are two types of Drag and Drop grids; Rank and Categorize.

  • Rank allows the respondent to rank or rate the options provided by dragging and dropping them into an ordered list, for example order of most favorite.
  • Categorize allows the respondent to drag and drop options into specific categories or groups.

Drag and Drop for ranking

  1. Select a Grid First question.
  2. Please note that the grid must contain the same number of grid code labels as the number of ranks or categories that you need, before converting the grid to a drag and drop question.
  3. Select Show in the Toolbar Topic list
  4. Select As Drag and Drop in the next drop down menu and check the Show box
  1. Ensure Rank is selected in the adjacent drop down menu
  2. The question layout changes to two panels. A Source panel on the left and a Target panel on the right.
  3. Select the Options button if you wish to add a background colour to each of the panels.

You will now be able to rank answer options by placing them into an ordered list on the grid.

Drag and Drop for categorizing

  1. Select a Grid First question
  2. Select Show in the Toolbar Topic list
  3. Select As Drag and Drop in the next drop down menu and check the Show box
  4. Ensure Categorize is selected in the adjacent drop down menu
  5. The question layout changes to two panels. A Source panel on the left and a Target panel on the right.
  6. Select the Options button if you wish to add a background colour to each of the panels.

You will now be able to categorize answer options by placing them into different boxes on the grid.

The chosen Grid First question must be set to single response for use with Drag and Drop.

Explore more question styles here.
