Creating a descriptive statistics table

Descriptive Statistics tables are most meaningful when used on questions with a quantity response.

  1. Click AnalysisTblIcon.png to display the Analysis Definition dialog box.
  2. Type the required variables names for the statistics in the Analysis field, separated by commas. For example Q11, Q12.
  3. Select Statistics table from the dropdown list in the Break field (or type STATS in lower or upper case).
  4. Click OK to build a table of descriptive statistics.
Example of a descriptive statistics table

This type of table will not work with Multiple Response, Literal Response, Time or Date variables.

Selecting which statistics are displayed

  1. Click the Descriptive Statistics tab of the Analysis Definition dialog.
Descriptive Statistics tab in the Analysis definition dialog
  1. Select items in the Available pane and use the > button to move them to the Used pane to add them to your table.
  2. Move them back to the Available pane to remove them from your table.
  3. You can change the order of the items in your table by selecting them and using the Move Up and Move Down buttons.