Date and Time questions

Date and time questions lets the respondent enter or select a date or time as a response, giving an easy and quick way of asking for dates and times.
The appearance of the calendar or clock used to select the response depends on the browser your respondent uses to complete the quesitonnaire.
Adding a Date question
The Date question includes a calendar to easily select a date, or the respondent can enter a date in the response box.
- Select the Date question from the Text Input questions section of the Insert question menu.

- Insert a Date question into the questionnaire by double-clicking or by dragging the question to the questionnaire.

- This selects the date pattern by default. If you want a different format, select the pattern from the drop-down.
- Change the Input width to adjust the width of the question’s response area.
- Click in the Date question text area and enter your question text.
Adding a Time question
The Time question includes a clock to easily select a time, or the respondent can enter a time in the response box.
- Select the Time question from the Text Input questions section of the Insert question menu.

- Insert a Time question into the questionnaire by double-clicking or by dragging the question to the questionnaire.

- This selects the time pattern by default. If you want a different format, select the pattern from the drop-down.
- Change the Input width to adjust the width of the question’s response area.
- Click in the Time question text area and enter your question text.
Other question styles
- Titles and Instructions
- Adding a Logo to a title
- Single Choice questions
- Multiple Choice questions
- Show other response
- Drop-down questions
- Grids
- Semantic scales
- Inline questions
- Compound grids
- Drag Rank
- Drag Categorize
- Carousels
- Adding tabs
- Open ended questions
- Attaching a file
- Inserting a separator