Downloading online response data

You can export the response data for a survey in a number of file formats. A filter option is available to download a smaller group of response data, which allows you to split the download across a number of export files.

Responses menu

You can find the Responses menu by following these instructions:

  1. In Snap XMP Online, click on the survey in Your Work to select it.
  2. In the Summary tab, click the Collect link.
  3. Select the Responses menu. This displays the default Responses page where you have the option to export all response data, and to delete all data.

Entering the format and filter

  1. In Format, select the format of the exported data. You can download the survey response data in the formats:
    • Excel – csv is a version of the comma separated format that is easily recognised by Excel files.
    • CSV is a comma separated format where the text fields are surrounded by quote characters. 
    • TSV is a tab separated format.
    • Excel – xlsx is an Excel spreadsheet format.
  2. In Filter, enter a filter expression to return a subset of the response data that matches the filter. For example, Q1=(1,2) or Q2=”name”.

Choosing the export file options

There are a number of export options available.

Options Description
Include question labelSelect this option to export an additional row of variable labels under the initial variable names row in the spreadsheet.
Expand multiple response questionsSelect this option to export multiple response variables with one column per answer rather than one column per question.
Use code labelsCheck to substitute code labels for numbers in the data.
Use 0 for No RepliesSubstitute 0 as the response for questions where there is no response.
Include derived variablesSelect this option to include derived variables in the exported data. Clear this option if you do not want to export the derived variables.

Exporting the selected response data

  • Click the Export data button.

When the data export is successful, you will see a confirmation message. The export saves the exported data file to the default downloads folder set for the device. The file name consists of the survey name followed by “ – responses” and the file extension chosen for the export. For example, “my survey – responses.csv”.
