Importing your translated file
When you receive your translated text file, check it to ensure that it matches the format of the exported file. If you are content, you can then use it to translate your survey.
- Open your survey in Design mode
- Select File|Translation. The translation wizard opens. Select Apply External Translation from the Action list.
- Click Next>. The translation wizard import dialog appears.
- Select the language in the survey that you are translating from. You would normally use the text file that you previously exported as the Reference Language file.
- Specify the language that you are translating to as the Translation Language. Select the file that you have received from your translator as the File name.
- Check the Complete variables only box if you wish only to use translations of complete questions.
- Uncheck the box if you want to translate partial questions where the automatic translator finds matching strings or words (for example, Yes and No).
- Check the Overwrite existing content box if you wish to overwrite any translated text which is already present in your survey. Clear the box if you want to preserve any existing translated text.
- Click Start.
- When the translation has finished, a translation report is displayed. You can save this to a file or print it by clicking the Send To… button.
- Inspect the translated version of your survey. Questions or parts of questions which have not been translated will display the original language in grey.