Installing on devices running Microsoft Windows
This section covers how to install the Interviewer app on devices that use Microsoft Windows often installed on laptops, PCs and tablets.
Downloading Interviewer
- You need to download the app from the Snap Surveys website by clicking the link: Interviewer installation for Windows
- Click on the link. This downloads the setup file from your web browser.
- Alternatively, enter the URL “” in your web browser.
- Run the setup.exe file to install the Interviewer app on your Microsoft Windows device.
Logging into Interviewer for the first time
Once you have downloaded the Interviewer app to your device you can log in.
- When you log in for the first time you will need
- The email address that you want to use to access your Snap XMP Online account.
- Your Snap XMP Online password
- If your organisation has a server that you will use instead of the Snap XMP Online server then you also need your organisation’s Server URL
- Start the Interviewer app and the sample surveys page displays.
- On this page click the menu icon with 3 bars
in the top left hand corner.
- Click Log In. You will see a message that you have not set up the Snap XMP Online server. You now need to select the Snap XMP Online server that you want to use. Click OK on the message.

- Click Set URL
at the top right hand corner. If you are using the Snap XMP Online servers the list of available servers shows
- UK Datacentre has data stored in the UK
- US Datacentre has data stored in the US

- Select the available server you want to use. Your selection is shown as the Selected Server. Click OK.
- Your organisation may have set up a server or servers. In this case, click Own servers and enter the server URL you have been given by your organisation. Click OK.
- Enter your Snap XMP Online email address and password in the Log In screen.
- To see the password you are entering, click the Show/hide password icon
- To save the user details you are entering, turn on Keep me logged in
- To see the password you are entering, click the Show/hide password icon

- When you have finished entering your details, click the Log in button. The Interviewer app will connect to Snap XMP Online and download your surveys.
Opening a survey
- Once you have logged in you will see a list of surveys or forms that are available to complete. If there are no surveys or forms shown press Sync in the top right hand corner. After the surveys download, you will see a Surveys Downloaded message above the surveys.
- Click on the survey or form and it opens on screen. The app may request permission to use your location if the survey requires geo-location to work. It may also ask permission to allow access only whilst using the app, it is advisable to allow this. If this message appears again on your screen you need to change your phone settings to allow the app to use your location.
You are now at the start of the survey or form. Follow the onscreen instructions on how to complete it. Every time you press the submit button the response data entered will be sent to the main user of the software.
Starting Interviewer
- Start the Interviewer app.
- If you have previously logged in, selected Keep me logged in and have not logged out then the app will open directly to your list of surveys, otherwise the app will display the Log In screen and you can log in.
If you have an internet connection, Interviewer automatically checks to see if you have the latest versions of the available surveys
- Open a survey by selecting it
To manually synchronise all surveys and responses with the server, click Sync. Interviewer will attempt to synchronise at ten minute intervals if Auto-synchronisation is enabled. An internet connection is required to synchronise.