Introduction to group variables

You can link similar questions into a group. This means that you can then analyse the group of questions as a whole. For example, if you have a series of questions on aspects of personality, you could group all the questions associated with team working together, and use them as a single axis for tables or charts.

Group variables may be used to create summary analyses of a number of variables which share a common code list such as might be found in a question grid.

For example, you could create a horizontal stacked bar chart to show the results of respondents’ opinion of five aspects of service offered.

You can use Group variables to include a summary of all five variables in the same chart. All responses will be added together when calculating means, so variables with a larger number of responses will have a larger percentage.

  1. Click AnalysisVariablesIcon.png on the main toolbar to open the Analysis variables window.
  2. Click NewSurveyIcon.png and select New Group Variable from the drop-down list. The Group Variable Details dialog opens.
Error shown for a group variable
  1. Give the group variable:
    • Name: GV2
    • Label: Overall opinion
    • Source: list the variables to group e.g. Q6a~Q6e, or Q1, Q5, Q8
Create a group variable
  1. Click SaveIcon.png to save the variable.
  2. It appears in the list of analysis variables.
Analysis variables list
  1. Click VariablesIcon.png to display the Variables window.
  2. Click NewSurveyIcon.png to add a new variable. This is a blank variable that you can use to insert a blank line in your chart.
  3. Specify the Variable Details:
    • Name: Blank
    • Label: Calculated difference
    • Type: Derived (the variable will derive its data from other existing variables).
    • Response: Single (there will be one response for each case).
Creating a blank derived variable
  1. Click SaveIcon.png to save the new variable.
  2. Click AnalysisChartIcon.png to build a chart.
  3. Specify the Definition details:
    • Style: Horizontal Stacked Bar Percent Transposed
    • Analysis: GV2, Blank, Q6a, Q6b, Q6c, Q6d, Q6e
    • Transpose: Checked
    • Show Options: Check Analysis Percents
Analysis Definition for a group variable
  1. Select the Cells tab and set the decimal places for the Percentages to 2. This reduces rounding errors when calculating the percentages.
Setting the decimal places and accuracy in the analysis
  1. Click OK to display the chart.
Chart for a group variable