Area | Description |
Title | Defines the title for table window and text report. This defaults to a summary of the analysis. |
Insert | Insert an Image, Variable field, Survey field, Date/Time field, HTML field, Analysis field or Cell value field at the current cursor position. |
Chart Axis titles | Specify the titles for the chart axes |
Analysis | Defaults to the analysis definition as title |
Break | Title for the x-axis (not for pies or doughnuts) Defaults to the break definition |
Value | Title for the y-axis (not for pies or doughnuts) |
Use Defaults | Set the chart axis titles back to the default values. |
Text style area | Specifies the font typeface, size, colour and formatting used in notes. |
Insert | Insert an Image, Variable field, Survey field, Date/Time field, HTML field, Analysis field or Cell value field at the current cursor position.the note |
Notes panel | Enter text for more information about the current analysis. Text entered here can be viewed and edited in a text panel below the window displaying the result (visible by clicking in the display window toolbar). It will be included in exports and printed results. |