
Printing a list of offline surveys

You can print the survey details of a selected survey, or a report of the surveys held in the current folder. This can be useful as a permanent record before surveys are archived or deleted.

  1. Click SurveyOverviewIcon.png or select File | Survey Overview to display the Survey Overview window.
  2. If you want to print the details of a specific survey, select it in the window.
  3. Click PrintIcon.png to display a Print Survey Details dialog.
Printing the survey details
  1. Specify a Title for the report if required.
  2. Choose the style of report you want:
    • Select Detailed to print a report on the currently selected survey. This will include dates of creation, last update and last used, together with number of cases, verified cases, variables, weights and reports. (The same information displayed in the Survey Details dialog.)
    • Select Summary to print a listing of all surveys in the current folder. This includes the survey name, title, variables, cases and the date that the survey was last used. (The same information displayed in the Survey Overview window.)
  3. Click Print to produce your report using the current printer.

Print report

The behaviour of the Print Report command is different for each active window.

Window Print description
Questionnaire window Print the questionnaire as specified
Data entry window Create a data report listing the contents of the specified cases or variables
Variables window Print a summary or detailed list of the variables and the case counts in the survey. You can select which variables are included in a detailed list
Weights window Print a detailed list or summary of all weights defined in the survey
Reports window Print a detailed list or summary of all reports defined in the survey
Analyses window Print a detailed list or summary of all analyses defined in the survey
Analysis window (table, chart, map, list) Print the specified analysis using the appropriate analysis and break details
Analysis variables window Print a summary of the specified analysis variable

The layout of the printed report is controlled via a Page Setup dialog. This is dependent on the type of report being printed.
