Response types

You can set the type of response required from the respondent for some of the question styles.

No response

These styles are used to give information. They provide the title, instructions and notes in your questionnaire.

Select a response

Respondents can select one or more pre-defined answers. These types of questions are also known as closed or coded questions, as the respondent must select one or more question codes as their answer.

They can appear as drop-downs, grids, interactive images, sliders and semantic scales.

Examples can include

  • a single choice question asking what age range the respondent is in
  • a grid of questions asking respondents to rate different aspects of a service

Open response

Respondents can enter responses in their own words, often in a comment box. The data can be free format text, a quantity, date or time. When you need the response to match a specific format, you can use a pattern to define the expected format, for example, a phone number or zip code.
