Sending email invitations to your participants

Start sending invitations

When you are ready to start sending the emails to invite the participants to your survey you will need to activate the invitation schedule.

  1. Navigate to the Invitations menu item in the Participants side menu to view the invitations.
  2. Click Start sending invitations to start sending invitations for the current survey.
Start sending invitations
  1. A message will be displayed asking you to confirm this action.
Send invitations confirmation
  1. Click Start to proceed with the action. This will activate sending invitations for the selected survey.

Pause invitations

The invitation schedule is activated when you start sending invitations. You may want to stop the invitation schedule in order to update the participant list or invitation format.

  1. Navigate to the Invitations menu item in the Participants side menu to view the invitations.
  2. Click Pause Invitations to pause the invitations for the current survey.
Pause invitations
  1. A message will be displayed asking you to confirm this action.
Pause invitations confirmation
  1. Click Pause to proceed with the action. This will stop sending invitations for the current survey.
  2. When you want to restart sending invitations click Start sending invitations again.
