On-Premises Snap XMP Online release notes
These release notes are for the on-premises version of Snap XMP Online, which is managed by your organisation. If you are using the Snap XMP Online subscription service managed by Snap Surveys, please use the Subscription Snap XMP Online release notes.
Release Date: 21st February 2025
- SOL-5221: Email alerts to multiple addresses not always accepted by mail client
- JS-314: Allow user to type in date to a native date picker
- JS-340: Better handling for when map controls are incorrectly set up
- JS-361: Initial value can be lost after masked out and back in
- JS-364: JSI fails when there are page timers in a multi-language survey
- JS-365: Better handling for when sliders are incorrectly set up
- JS-368: Text substitution of the joining word (and) incorrect in multi-language editions
Release Date: 28th January 2025
- New Single edition starting template
- SOL-4912: Allow nominated question from survey to be embedded into invites
- SOL-5140: Option added to show password on Snap Online log on page
- SOL-5151: Opt out link automatically added to invites if one not present
- SOL-5171: New user notification setup added for Marketing Admin
- SOE-371: Only allow images up to 10Mb in size
- Improve performance of quotas
- SOL-5050: Twitter logo updated to X logo
- SOL-5068: Allow Help URL link to be a mailto link
- SOL-5069: Add some help text to the Invitations right hand pane when no invites defined
- SOL-5131: Deleting a seeded variable from the survey causes participant import / connector wizards to hang
- SOL-5152: Participant invites not sent if the survey is processed for mailing before the end of the import
- SOL-5161: Help link incorrect when first log on
- SOL-5168: 3rd party library updates
- SOL-4510: Additional bounce back email status codes added to check list
- SOL-4632: Dropped questionnaire SNIF table still referenced after survey purge
- SOL-4902: Provide drop-downs for options on Licencing pages of Config
- SOL-4906/5179: CleanEmails job not always finding the date an email was sent
- SOL-5149: Cloning a broken survey in Snap Online corrupts the user map
- SOL-5158: Replace OPTIMIZE scripts for SQL 2016 backward compatibility
- SOL-5163: Delete old interview job fails due to timeout but reports success
- JS-314: Allow user to type in date to a native date picker
- JS-340: Better handling for when map controls are incorrectly set up
- JS-359: Quota surveys sometimes hang during interview when all quotas complete
- JS-360: The error message shows half-width for a grid of must answer drop-downs when the last question is not must answer
- JS-361: Initial value can be lost after masked out and back in
- JS-364: JSI fails when there are page timers in a multi-language survey
- JS-365: Better handling for when sliders are incorrectly set up
- JS-368: Text substitution of the joining word (and) incorrect in multi-language editions
- SOE-363: Scaling an image in the editor reduces the size more than it should
- SD-531: HTML generation for question in invite – issue with full width borders plus transparent borders in Outlook
- SD-573: Alt text for show as buttons (requires JSI 647)
Release Date: 5th September 2024
- SOL-4320: New Job scheduler service to reduce blocking jobs
- SOL-4611: New job added to delete inactivated pending accounts
- SOL-4904: Participant archive and unarchive jobs added
- SOL-5030: Support POP3 OAUTH using client secret as an alternative to certificate
- SOL-5041: Limit the number of responses that can be exported from Snap XMP Online in one go
- SOL-5113: New ‘scheduled’ survey status added
- SOL-5116: Allow multiple SMTPs to be used for sending invites
- SOL-5133: Rebuild db index job migrated to new Scheduler
- JS-295: New ID.page functionality during interview
- JS-296: New Tab control functionality during interview
- SOL-4632: QuestionnaireSnifRevisions table in Resources DB no longer required
- SOL-4706: Improve participant/invite UI responsiveness
- SOL-4781: Updated Kendo and JQuery libraries
- SOL-4827: Incorrect warning about partial being deleted when editing a participant removed
- SOL-5035: Concurrent web interview limits redrawn issues
- SOL-5044: Title on custom domain survey left blank rather than Snap Surveys
- SOL-5052: Return 404/410 for invalid interview links and non running surveys
- SOL-5059: Prevent 2 paper download links being created
- SOL-5064: Improve performance of Desktop Sync streaming
- SOL-5065: Created date set for participant when created via a connector or API call
- SOL-5110: V1 of GetResponses API call now charging units
- SOL-5115: Email alert only includes 1 AttachIt file when multiple added
- SOL-5123 – POP3/IMAP passwords cannot contain certain characters eg <>
- SOL-5127: Rephrase reset message on group questionnaire participant
- SOL-5137: DB index improvements
- SOL-5142: Extra warning added to Save pages
- SOE-345: Better handling for content pasted from Word
- SOE-351: Fix adding options in semantic scale
- SOE-353: Survey fails to load if brackets in style name
- SOE-354: Survey becomes corrupt after deleting grid rows with routing dependencies
- SOE-355: Valid field now working for open ended literals
- SOE-356: Save issues with compound grid and routing
- SOE-358: Questionnaire fails to load in Editor when numbering sections set to numbers
- SOE-360: Surplus spaces in routing expression not handled
- JS-73: Speed improvements when loading of large surveys
- JS-152: Better centring of code labels on mobile devices with carousel grids
- JS-154: Prevent multiple AttachIt files for the same question
- JS-280: Allow custom scripts in the header to be executed
- JS-299: Configuration issues with Randomise displayed in Desktop preview
- JS-307: Implement Timer in multi-language questionnaires
- JS-315: Fix text substitution from variable hidden on another page
- JS-317: Alphabetical ordering with columns broken when excluding the last code(s)
- JS-318: Map control alignment incorrect
- JS-320: Inconsistent execution of routing affecting Next page contents
- JS-321: Masking not working when number of codes is different
- JS-331: Native date picker showing wrong date format in error message
- JS-336: Hide blank entry for drop-down plus must answer plus value
- JS-337: Show slider set with initial value
- JS-338: Refresh image maps with calculated value
- JS-339: Allow time to be entered with “.” separator
- JS-341: Carousel would not show code labels if defined in the Next parts
- JS-345: Error saving a partial on an empty page
- JS-347: Allow initial value to be set to specific codes of another variable
Release Date: 15th January 2024
- SD-528: Allow screen outs to explicitly ignore the global target
- SOL-4965: Paper edition published on demand
- SOL-5025: Excel CSV option added to Export responses
- JS-73: Restart button within SOI does not return the interviewer to the first page
- JS-116: Allow custom CSS to be used during interview
- JS-269: Excluded codes now pushed to the end of the sequence for alpha-ordering only
- JS-236: Legacy HTML option with masking can stop the interview loading
- JS-246: Drag & Drop Rank does not limit the number of rows to rank
- JS-253: Rank index displayed on its own line when code label is long
- JS-294: Quota console error with Next and Back
- JS-300: Masking and alpha ordering could result in codes showing more than once
- JS-301: Rating check plus must answer issues
- JS-302: Carousel not displaying correctly when grid question text not showing
- JS-303: Drag rank question with conditional routing does not always display the initial value
- JS-304: Page timer not working when randomise added
- JS-305: Show the error on Drag and drop grids after focus is moved on
- SOE-270: Snmedia read and save added
- SOE-275: Semantic scale label edit improvements
- SOE-312: Rank and Category grid edit improvements
- SOE-316: Image map grid edit improvements
- SOE-338: Grid labels lost when changing grid style
- SOE-343: Group questionnaire edit improvements
- SOE-346: Image resize issues
- SOE-347: Post condition routing can get removed
- SOL-5027: Error shown if number of pages in a report greater than 200
- SOL-5028: Rename from ‘Your work \ Surveys’ to ‘Owned by you \ Your work’
Release Date: 17th October 2023
- SOL-4980: Separate create from save analysis permission (Admins can set Edit and create analyses / save modified analyses permissions as required)
- SOL-5009 Always show Publish button when possible regardless of interviewing state
- JS-258: Prevent going back to an already submitted survey
- SD-485 / JS-200: New ribbon for compound grids with option to set relative widths
- SD-505: Native time picker allows seconds
- SD-507: Allow variables to be excluded from randomisation blocks (to keep titles at the top)
- SD-514: Responsive images: automatically resize when the window is resized
- SOL-4618: Don’t show report label for analysis in solo surveys
- SOL-4706: Database changes to improve performance and throughput
- SOL-4940: Ensure all emails are processed when using batch option
- SOL-4971: Remove X-XSS-Protection header from interviewing and main site as recommended by OWASP
- SOL-4973: Ensure X-Frame options header can be set for main site. (Admins can set via Configuration | Content security policy)
- SOL-4975: Session cookie invalidated after log out
- SOL-4976: Unused referrer header removed to prevent future potential risk of a CSRF attack
- SOL-4987: Return a 400x or 500x error status code when appropriate
- SOL-4988: Track participant being deleted for SOI sync
- SOL-5003: Reset password email content changes to reduce it being treated as spam
- JS-104: Submitting works if error has not been seen yet (submit on all pages)
- JS-231: Must answer inline in a hidden question prevents the Respondent from using Next button
- JS-236: Potential crash during interview with empty code labels
- JS-269: Maintain original position for excluded codes when code order = random
- JS-279: Tab order updated when conditional questions appear
- JS-280: Allow custom scripts to be executed
- JS-284: Inline question within a Not Asked question causes empty page
- JS-287: No longer hide questionnaire when Submit pressed
- JS-288: SOI signature slow to be enabled
- JS-289: Must answer quantity sliders showing as error at start
- SOE-327: Variable references in initial value fields updated correctly when new variable inserted
- SOE-331: Prevent order of language variable being changed
- SOE-337: Stop question text being repeated in open series grids
- SOE-344: Question text lost in multi language survey when routing added
- SOE-345: Paste text only when copying from Word
- SD-510: Prevent crash with quotas containing a weight
- SD-511: Fix Done and Cancel buttons on data import (for when quotas are present)
- SD-512: Recompile group variables based on a range of variables when new variables present in the range
- SD-516: Variables with an initial value cannot be used in a db import
- SD-517: Rim weights not rebuilding correctly
Release date: 24th August 2023
- SOL-4888: Ability to create and save analyses via browser
- SOL-4618: Add report label to clickable link for each report
- JS-175: Random question order enhancements
- SOL-4947: Report title potentially incorrect when run within Snap XMP Online
- SOL-4948: Handle large amounts of AttachIt data for downloading
- SOL_4953: Error when exporting large amount of CSV data
- SOL-4954: id.name lost on Close using the Legacy interviewer
- SOL-4967: Improve layout of password rules
- JS-132: Reduce flicker when questions transition in due to routing
- JS-235: Reduce size of published output
- JS-272: Set forward ordering to start on random code
- JS-274: Improve accessibility publish
- SOE-257: Improve grid re-arranging
- SOE-314: Fix 10 code semantic scale layout issue
- SOE-330: Allow all characters for hyperlink text
- SOE-333: Handle Greek characters correctly
Release date: 2nd June 2023
- SOL-4742: Merge shared area into main survey tree view
- SOL-4283: Redirect to log in page when log in times out on Analyze tab
- SOL-4752: Add option to be able to keep partials for quota/screen out
- SOL-4868: Option to keep partials when quota full hit working with JSI
- SOL-4887: Password Reset link generated by Admin does not work
- SOL-4890: Add username to reset password email text
- SOL-4894: Quota performance improvements when under high load
- SOL-4909/4915: improve performance of New survey dialog and Sync
- SOL-4910: Summary dashboard reports no pdf when not required
- SOL-4914: allow seeding on group survey landing page
- JS-18: variable response properties not working in open series literals
- JS-56: calculated values to show number of dps specified
- JS-73: improve performance of surveys with large amounts of code masking
- JS-208: alignment issues with compound grids when hiding/unhiding parts
- JS-209: inline attachIt option not showing as expected
- JS-246: Drag and drop rank allowed respondent to select more options than designed
- JS-241: alpha ordering not applied to inline questions
Release date: 4th April 2023
- SOL-4921: Anonymous SMTP fails when server supports authentication
- SOL-4928: Remove refs to OPTIMIZE_FOR_SEQUENTIAL_KEY as not supported on less than SQL 2019
Release date: 3rd January 2023
- SOI Quotas now available with this release of SOL
- SOL-4809/4819/4845: Connectors (This is the updatesurvey.asp replacement)
- SOL-4701 – Update colors to improve accessibility in the user interface
- SOL-4752 – Allow Researcher to optionally keep partials for quota-ed or screen-ed out survey
- SOL-4757 – Add ability to configure CSP and X-SSS to main Snap XMP Online site
- SOL-4764 – Browser tab for screenout to be labelled Screen out
- SOL-4820 – Allow multiple accounts to trust the same browser
- SOL-4838 – Allow admin to reset trusted devices for a user
- SOL-4852 – Add MFA usage to audit trail
- SOL-4856 – Add in Payment Ref to a licence so on import the payment ref can be set AND limit the number of times a link can be used
- SOE-176 – Inline spell checker alert (Chrome, Edge)
- SOE-292 – Handle Compound Grids added via Snap XMP Desktop
- SOL-4488 – Validation added to text entry in Admin areas
- SOL-4573 – Keep responses when flipping between Standard and Plain versions (w3c)
- SOL-4656 – Group questionnaire: second import disables invites on participant where a subject has changed or been added (and possibly deleted)
- SOL-4697 – Some characters (e.g. new line) in quota full message cause problems with JSI
- SOL-4765 – Fail to process some emails returned to Snap XMP Online
- SOL-4774 – Update AttachIt including old JQuery dependency (requires Snap XMP Desktop 12.12)
- SOL-4812 – MFA UX issues
- SOL-4813 – Print button not working if custom domain and JSI
- SOL-4832 – Consistent participant status between legacy and JSI
- SOL-4834 – Participant import, delete option can fail when seeding incorrect
- SOL-4837 – Remove trusted device list and do not require user to specify one
- SOL-4842 – Improve look of MFA code dialog when errors show
- SOL-4853 – Maintain JSI zip after each download for next attempt
- SOL-4854 – Audit record for closed partials incorrect if > 50 partials being closed
- SOL-4855 – Read Email job always reporting 0 emails processed (SOL 1260 onwards only)
- JS-155 – Print button not working on single page questionnaires
- JS-208 – Spacing issue if ‘Space before’ used with Compound grid and routing
- JS-219 – Seeded with hidden language editions can show wrong language
- JS-220 – Missing response data in partial when drop down style used
- JS-222 – Carousels with large amounts of question text overlap boxes
- JS-224 – Masking in plain text version causes codes to not show
- JS-226 – Text box loses focus (requires double click)
- SOE-132 – Variable reference lost when new question added
- SOE-237 – Variable reference potentially causing corrupt survey on save
- SOE-279 – Survey fails to save due to routing
Release date: 20th October 2022
- JS-186: Inline questions
- SOL-4722: Multi Factor Authentication added
- SOL-4722: Password complexity setup via admin UI
- SOL-4756: Support for POP3/IMAP Office 365 Exchange Online OAUTH certificate-based authentication
- API: GetSurveyList and GetSurvey have a new property called ResponsesLastChanged that contains the timestamp showing when the responses were last changed.
- SOL-4550: Share context not used for determining code list in filter/context
- SOL-4590: Optional for questionnaire SNIF is stored in the database
- SOL-4616: Pending activation list is limited to showing 10 accounts
- SOL-4634: Some characters can cause problem with export of data to Excel
- SOL-4664: Identify survey in bounce back email
- SOL-4724: Admin edit of account can lose some account data
- SOL-4746: SMTP 500 errors don’t need to be tried again
- SOL-4750: Switching to text only version turns partials off
- SOL-4770: Double quotes in filter expression fails
- SOL-4771: IMAP connection not secure
- SOL-4772: SNIF extraction on demand for Online Editor
- SOL-4780: Stop Admin browsing affecting user’s ‘Recent list’
- SOL-4785: Webpage on submit causes pop up if custom domain
- SOL-4787: Dashboard Summary report doesn’t work for a shared user
- JS-131: ‘use steps’ option for sliders respected
- JS-152: Carousel grid not always showing code labels
- JS-166: Compound grids
- JS-176: Preserve random order of codes on Save
- JS-182: Initial value shows up as answered twice in partial
- JS-185: Carousel grid changes for right to left languages
- JS-189: Updated version of jQuery
- JS-197: Multi choice drag and drop grid fixes
- SOE-142: Preview of drop downs fixes
- SOE-242: Preview of Data picker fixes
- SOE-293: Preview option removed from Editor
Release date: 16th May 2022
- SOL-4347: reCAPTCHA can be added to reset the password and account creation pages. Configuration is required in machinespecific.config (FMSMVC)
- SOL-4729: Stop storing the ‘Data’ in the Responses table if the source is Snap XMPDesktop
- SOL-4738: Invites stopped incorrectly on a survey when too many concurrent connections
- SOL-4379: SMTP connections not always disposed of as soon as can be
- SOL-4740: Close partials job can block other jobs when large numbers of partials to close
- JS-8: Rating check with routing on grid doesn’t allow the grid questions to be answered. (This requires the latest Interviewer and Snap XMP Desktop updates for complete release)
- JS-49: Resume partial to start on page in error (if necessary)
Release date: 7th February 2022
- SOE-254: Support for Sliders added
- SOL-4565: Support for multi response context values
- SOL-4618: Report title shown as tool tip
- SOL-4677: Support for new (beta) interviewer in Qwizards online
- JS-22: No read only calculated source can show as 0
- JS-138: Fix for multi line AttachIt question
- JS-143: Customisation possible of error message for Valid property
- JS-144: Auto answer on masked question set incorrectly
- JS-145: Too many decimal places sometimes displayed on derived variable
- JS-146: Error in calculation following variable with Max responses property set
- JS-151: Initial value set to an exclusive code could be removed when using Back button
- JS-153: Grids in Safari browser sometimes failed to display
- SOL-4315: Email alerts with AttachIt attachments now handled correctly
- SOL-4526: Error shown to user when no valid licence on cloning
- SOL-4550: Share context not applied for determining code list for filters/contexts
- SOL-4568: Reset participant invite status after email address corrected
- SOL-4588: Revise ordering of seeding screen on Participant import
- SOL-4596: RGB colours converted to RGBA on save in email invite
- SOL-4622: Adding or editing a subject on a Group questionnaire within Snap XMP Online would break seeding for the first subject
- SOL-4623: Web page on submit seeding not handled correctly
- SOL-4666: Improve performance of email reader and enhance error logging
- SOL-4684: Change wording of invite schedule when invites are disabled
- SOL-4685: Better display of survey status messages on mobile devices
- SOL-4690: Fix for Restart button not working
- SOL-4698: Mailing status added to top line
- SOL-4710: Partials not working as expected for Group questionnaire
Release date: 4th October 2021
- SOL-4389: API v1 (permission based so needs to be enabled for each account)
- SOL-4542: New button added to allow userAdmin to generate a reset Password link manually
- SOL-4553: Separate licence defaults for when Admin creates account
- SOL-4585: Option to update survey licences when template licence updated
- SOL-4608: Quotas
- SOL-4648: Include created time in Participant export
- JS-94: Image map accessibility enhancements JS-108: Slider bar accessibility enhancements
- SOL-4072: Set default session timeout to be 59 mins
- SOL-4331: Handle surveys with only paper editions
- SOL-4491: More helpful error message when creating an account that’s been deleted or purged
- SOL-4492: Social media links added to Collect page
- SOL-4494: QR code to use custom URL
- SOL-4538: Stop using iFrame unless its custom domain
- SOL-4539: Set custom URL token to original value if you clear it
- SOL-4545: Survey name can contain invalid characters when you clone a survey
- SOL-4549: Make choosing worksheet number more obvious in Participant upload dialog
- SOL-4555: Use account’s Full name when no Email from name set for invitations
- SOL-4558: Participant import performance improvements
- SOL-4575: Add option to disable checks in mailer for certificate revocation
- SOL-4577: Handle id.name variable rename
- SOL-4579: Sort order added for Group questionnaire list as seen by Participant
- SOL-4601: Trim leading and trailing spaces from ‘subject’ for group questionnaires
- SOL-4612: Logged in survey completion rate incorrect
- SOL-4617: Participants cannot be added via UI
- SOL-4629: More validation required on email address when sharing (plus trim spaces)
- SOL-4654: Crash adding a new participant to an invite only survey
- SOE-145: Drop downs now working in Editor preview
- SOE-165: Code ordering now working on Editor preview
- SOE-208: More…dialog cut off
- SOE-222: Placeholder text would sometimes remain in Firefox
- SOE_225: Footnote in wrong position when masking is on
- SOE-246: Grid of open ended quantity questions incorrect size
- JS-20: Closing the attachIt dialog would show an error in IE11
- JS-20: Native data pickers in SOI
- JS-39/SOE-216: Alpha ordering with mask and other question problem
- JS_90: Footnote appears in wrong place when mask also applied to the variable
- JS-91: Routing not working when variable in error state
- JS-92: Start date/time incorrect
- JS-95: Wrong format for dates in initial/seeded values
- JS-113: Error message not visible when question overflows viewport
- JS-119: Long initial values could cause crash
- JS-120: Build preview does not reload on browser refresh
- JS-124: Grid of notes would crash
- JS-123: Cater for seeding/ restoring values when initial value
Release date: 21st June 2021
- Survey response profile graphs added
- SOL-4562: Delete mode added to Upload Participants
- SOE-122: Rating check feature added to Online Editor
- JSI-32:Support for partials
- SOL-4558: Participant import re-write adjustments – batch up within SQL to improve performance / only allow 1 update from Desktop at a time
- SOL-4560: Warn user the schedule will be cleared if they manually stop a survey
- SOL-4578: Error shown when survey with custom login page paused
- SOL-4591: Allow participant reminder to have an interval set to 0
- SOL-4598: Participant wizard can time out when uploading a large spreadsheet
- SOL-4550: Share context not used for determining code list in filters/contexts in Analyze
- SOL-4555: use account’s Full name when no Email from name set for invitations
- SOL-4559: Participant overview ‘started’ and ‘completion rates’ inaccurate for group survey
- SOL-4554: Group Questionnaires don’t work when there is an apostrophe in the subject
- SOL-4534: Adding a / or : in Subject line of an email results in error
- SOE-217: Mutually exclusive option doesn’t show
- SOE-224: Editor preview doesn’t show initial values
- SOE-229: Grid questions have code exclude lists set up on 2nd, 3rd etc row
- SOE-234: grid attributes text overlaps content
- SOE-235: Page breaks not handled correctly in Editor preview
- SOE-169: Auto renumber option not respected in Editor
- JS-8: Added option to unselect option for Rating Check
- JS-31: Support for Restart button in SOI
- JS-45: Prevent double submit from occurring
- JS-109: Support for Close button in SOI
- JS-20: data pickers not working
- JS-38: Handling for read only variables
- JS-107: Id.completed not set on submit
- JS-83: All paradata handling
Release date: 7th December 2020
- SOL-4479: Allow surveys created from Survey templates to be sync’d between Snap XMP Desktop and Snap XMP Online
- SOL-4506: Customisable options available when exporting data from Snap XMP Online
- SOL-4331: Handle surveys with only paper editions
- SOL-4420: Entering HTML in text fields can crash dialog or page
- SOL-4470: Build tab tooltip restyled to make it easier to read and not overlap
- SOL-4507: Filter issue when Survey set to US date format
- SOL-4510: Handle email bounce backs
- SOL-4511: Filter Participant by status displays empty list
- SOL-4520: Survey mailing stopped on failure to send 1 invite
- SOE-123: Text substitution not working in Editor Preview
- SOE-189: Add a footnote to a Single and it disappears after a reload
- SOE-205: Open ended questions only accept 1 character in Build | Preview
- SOE-209: Setting the Initial value for a literal can throw up an error or cause the survey to not save
- SOE-221: Hard to set a semantic scale to have 10 codes
- JS-96: Footnotes on grids fixed