Summary Statistics tab

Summary Statistics tab in the Analysis definition dialog




List of statistical data you can add to your chart/table


List of statistical data you have added to your chart/table

Statistical data



The analysis/break information given in definition

Confidence (mean)

Specify the confidence level and display the confidence interval level for the mean (using the defined scoring system)

Confidence Bottom Box

Specify a low-end group of values to be calculated and displayed. If confidence interval selected as an option, display the level of confidence that sample matches target population.

Confidence Difference

Display (top box percentage total) – (bottom box percentage total)

Confidence Top Box

Specify a high-end group of values to be calculated and displayed. If confidence interval selected as an option, display the level of confidence that sample matches target population.


Average value of the analysis variable(total divided by base) using the defined scoring system


Central value (equal number of cases to each side

Significance (t-test)

Compare mean scores of columns with mean scores of the base to distinguish whether or not the difference between the groups’ averages would most likely reflect a “real” difference in the population from which the groups were sampled. The significance is shown as a percentage.

Standard Deviation

Display standard deviation (measure of dispersal of values and hence deviation from mean)

Standard Error

Display standard error (indication of how far individual scores deviate from the mean score)


Compare mean scores of axis-defined groups to see if difference is significant. Display significance letters by column values

U test

Compare median scores of axis-defined groups to see if difference is significant. Display significance letters by column values


Display variance (measure of dispersion of values in a distribution)

This table shows the meaning of the options which appear when a given statistic is selected. These options specify how the statistic is calculated and displayed. The default options are set in the Analysis tailoring dialog.





Standard Error

Standard Deviation




Name of weight matrix, calculation, or name of variable to apply


Decimal places

Number of decimal places used in calculation

Confidence (mean)

Confidence Level

The level of certainty that the answer lies within the range given

Confidence Top Box

Confidence Bottom Box

Use the x y responses out of z to calculate q

Select the range of responses used to calculate the confidence top or bottom box. These will be the high-end responses for the top box and the low-end responses for the bottom box


Ordered values

Check to only use displayed (ordered) values in calculation and omit any suppressed zero values


at a confidence level of

(gap between sample and population) at the specified confidence level


Show confidence intervals

Check to display the confidence interval results



Check to display the z-test results with the confidence intervals



Allows you to modify the confidence interval if the sample is weighted or drawn from a small (or finite ) population. Set to sqrt(1-n/N) where n = sample size and N = population

Significance (t-test)


Base used when comparing the mean of base to the mean of each category on your table. Either use:

Base: the mean for all respondents

Base less current: the mean for respondents that are not included in the category being compared.



Name of weight matrix, calculation, or name of variable to apply (same as that used for Mean, Standard Error, Standard Deviation, Variance, Median)


Decimal places

Number of decimal places used in calculation


U test

Upper Level

Set the upper significance level


Lower Level

Set the lower significance level


Labels: Grouped
Labels: Continuous

Specify how the figures are shown for tables with more than one break variable





Select whether result is shown in both columns it affects, or whether it is only shown in one column. The column it is shown in may be:

column with the higher/lower value

column in the left-most/right-most position





Check to show hyphens for non-significant results

Check to label columns with the letter used as index



Select type of test (crudely, 1-tailed when looking for increase/decrease between results;2-tailed when looking for difference between two mean scores)


Apply Tukey’s Correction (t-test only)

Apply Tukey’s Honestly Significant Difference (HSD) correction to take account of carrying out multiple t-tests


Results exclude the x y codes (U test only)

Enables you to exclude codes (eg, Don’t Know ) from the calculation
