Using table styles

Editing table styles

You can edit the way the table looks using the Table styles, Separators, Sizing and Options dialogs available from the context menu.

Loading table styles

You can load an existing style by

  • selecting the style from the Style field of the Analysis Definition dialog
  • right-clicking or pressing F2 in a table window and selecting Load Style from the context menu.

The table style files have the extension .tsf . Styles provided with Snap XMP Desktop are stored in the Styles sub-directory of the main Snap XMP Desktop folder.

Saving table styles

If you have altered the layout of a table and want to store this new design for future use, press F2 or click with the right-hand button of the mouse and select the Save Style option. This displays the file name of the style used to create the original table in the Save Style As dialog box.

Change the name in the File Name field, leaving the .tsf extension. Click OK to save the style.
