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Snap XMP Free Trial Terms

You are requesting a free trial subscription to Snap XMP on behalf of your organisation, who will be our customer.

The subscription includes:

  • One Snap XMP Online Account
  • Access to and use of Snap XMP Desktop
  • Access to our friendly team of experts, who provide support to all customers (during business hours) by phone or email. Just email us on info@snapsurveys.com or call 020 7747 8900.
  • Access to our Support Hub, where you’ll also find interactive tutorials and how-to guides that take you through performing the survey essentials.
  • 100 Snap XMP Units
  • Hosting at data centres in the UK by our Hosting Provider ANS Group Limited
  • Use for evaluation purposes only

Your subscription lasts for 30 days from date you activate your Snap XMP Online Account (the “Trial Period”).

You may upgrade your Trial Subscription to a full Snap XMP Subscription Agreement at any time before the end of the Trial Period by contacting us at info@snapsurveys.com. If you do not upgrade, we will close your account at the end of the Trial Period and you must cease all use of our Software and Services.

Access to all Survey Data entered during the Trial Period will be lost unless you have exported the Survey Data before the end of the Trial Period.

We will provide your free trial subscription on the terms of our Snap XMP Agreement, available here https://www.snapsurveys.com/survey-software/snap-xmp-subscription-agreement-uk/ as modified by the terms above (together, the “Trial Subscription Terms”). The information on this page constitutes the Order Form referred to in the Snap XMP Subscription Agreement. No other terms and conditions shall apply.