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Snap Surveys Website Terms of Use

About us

Snap Surveys Limited is registered in England and Wales under company registration number 01672722, with its registered office at 5 Mead Court, Cooper Road, Thornbury, Bristol BS35 3UW (“Snap”).

About these terms

These terms apply to your use of Snap’s website at www.snapsurveys.com.

By accessing the website you are deemed to have accepted these terms. If you do not agree to them you must stop using the site.

These terms may be revised from time to time without notice. You are responsible for reviewing these terms on each occasion that you visit the website and if you continue to use the site after changes to these terms are made you are deemed to have accepted them.

Intellectual Property Rights

The design and content of this website is protected by copyright and is owned by Snap. All rights are reserved. The exclusive right to authorise or prohibit the direct or indirect, temporary or permanent reproduction of this website by any means and in any form, in whole or in part, and to make this website available to the public, and to distribute any copyright protected material in or on the site (including, without limitation, any online software or services) shall remain with Snap. You agree not to copy, adapt, alter or create any derivative work from any material on this site, or to restrict or inhibit the use or enjoyment of this site by anyone else.

Snap owns various trade marks and registered trade marks. You may not use those trade marks, or any third party trade marks that appear on this website, other than as permitted by express written licence from Snap. In particular, but without limitation, you may not use the trade marks as meta-tags nor may you sponsor them in search engines. All goodwill in your legitimate use of the trade marks shall accrue to Snap. Please notify us immediately if you become aware of any infringement of Snap trade marks.

All intellectual property rights in the website are the property of Snap.

Community areas

Certain areas of our site are reserved for registered users. Additional terms may apply to these areas, such as specific acceptable use policies or specific terms for buying products or services which are available only to registered users.

Please make sure any information you provide to us is up-to-date and accurate, and let us know of any changes as soon as you can.

You will be responsible for keeping your user name and password confidential and secure and for all use made of your account, whether or not it is used by you or with your authority. Please notify us immediately you become aware of any unauthorised use or other security breach and always ensure you close your browser at the end of each session.

You may not assign or sub-license any rights we grant you as a registered user.

Acceptable use

It is impossible to provide an exhaustive list of exactly what constitutes acceptable and unacceptable use of this website, including the community areas. In general, we will not tolerate any use of our website which damages or is likely to damage our reputation, the availability or integrity of the website or which causes us or threatens to cause us to incur any legal, tax or regulatory liability.

We therefore ask you to treat our website with respect, and not to use the site or our products or services for any illegal purpose, or in such a way as to infringe or breach other’s rights or to cause or threaten to cause us damage. We also ask you to comply with any relevant notices, policies and terms imposed by third parties whose website, products or services you access through our site.

We reserve the right to suspend the use of our site generally or block your access to any part of the site and/or to suspend or terminate your rights to use the site or any part of it if we suspect misuse. We shall then report any misuse of our site to the relevant enforcement or other authorities and to our advisers. We further reserve the right to disclose any evidence we have which relates directly or indirectly to misuse.


Links to this website are permitted, subject to first obtaining our prior written consent although we reserve the right to withdraw such consent at any time. Links must only be made to the home page of this website and you are not entitled (nor shall you assist others) to set up links from your own website to this website by deep-linking, framing or otherwise, without our prior written consent. Such consent may be withheld at our absolute discretion, and without the need to provide a reason.

This website includes links that allow you to leave this website and visit third party sites. We have no control over and are not responsible for the content, use by you or availability of those third party websites, for any products or services you buy through those sites or for the treatment of any personal information you provide to the third party.


We use cookies on this website. Further information about cookies, how we use them to store and access information about you and how you can elect to refuse their use can be found in our Cookies Policy.


This website includes areas where you are requested to input information about yourself. Any personal data you submit to us through this website shall be subject to the terms of our Privacy Policy.

Disclaimer of representations and warranties

We take steps to ensure that all information we provide on this website about our software and services is correct and complete at the time of the last update to the relevant page but we do not warrant it will be correct and complete.

Use of this website is free and we take steps to ensure it is available to all permitted users, including disabled users. We do not warrant that the site will be continuously available, or that your use of the site will be uninterrupted or error-free, or that the site and server will be free from attack.


If a court or other competent authority holds any of these terms to be void or unenforceable in whole or part, the other terms and the remainder of the affected term shall continue to be valid.

Nothing in these terms shall exclude or limit our liability for death or personal injury due to our negligence or our liability for fraudulent misrepresentation.

If you are a consumer, your legal rights are not affected by these terms.

Our failure to exercise, or delay in exercising, a right or remedy provided by these terms of use, or by law, does not constitute a waiver of those or any other rights or remedies, neither shall it be construed as a waiver of any future rights or remedies.

These terms and the use of this website and its content shall be governed by and construed in all respects in accordance with English law, and you agree to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts.